Hi! Someone know hot to read tp-link factory wireless pin from flash?
Since I know that the mac address is readable from flash. There some hints online that says that this data resides on art partition.
I want to know how to read the wireless pin (the same on label in the router).
I want to make a OpenWRT image with same SSID and password as stock firmware uses:
The SSID thing is already resolved with this, but I need to know hot to retrieve the password.
cat <<'__EOF__' > ./files/etc/uci-defaults/99_default.sh
[ "$(uci -q get system.@system[0].zonename)" = "America/New York" ] && exit 0
uci batch <<EOC
set system.@system[0].zonename='America/Argentina/Buenos Aires'
set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid="TP-LINK_$(ifconfig eth0 | awk '/HWaddr/ { printf $5 }' | tr -d : | tail -c 6)"
that print the last 6 digits of mac address.
(Last edited by braian87b on 23 Aug 2017, 16:50)