OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: How do I find IP address for U-BOOT tftp connection?

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Dear OpenWRT wink

Dovado Tiny AC is listed as supported by OpenWRT (DD-trunk). However, no detailed installation guide is in the Dovado Tiny AC openWRT page.

I tried to install open-WRT image (openwrt-ramips-mt7620-tiny-ac-squashfs-sysupgrade) with web-interface, gives error (apparently does some checking). Then I tried 30/30/30 boot to recovery mode with lan connected. Does not connect TFTP (with putty) to addresses,,

Generic "Installing openWrt" lists details to find out prior to connection:
Before proceeding you need to determine the following:
- the preset IP address of the bootloader (not necessarily identical to the IP address the device has after it has booted the original firmware!)
- the protocol and whether the bootloader acts as client or as server
- the correct port number (if not default)
- the interface you need to connect to
- a user name and login password (if necessary)
- the time window you have after starting the device to obtain a connection

How do you find out these settings? I know Dovado uses U-boot, it has its own recovery program which instructs to set PC lan address to but does NOT say what is the address of Dovado in recovery mode...

Has anyone succesfully installed open-wrt to Dovado Tiny AC?

(Last edited by scorpius_79 on 24 Jan 2017, 12:09)

based on nvram values I think?

if youre last subnet IP is 192.168.11.x/24 and youre router's IP then that's your tftp IP.

remlei wrote:

based on nvram values I think?

if youre last subnet IP is 192.168.11.x/24 and youre router's IP then that's your tftp IP.

Last subnet ip? Like i posted, none of them work as I dont know what is the IP of bootloader. How do I find this out or do I have to access router via serial?

You could use wireshark to see if it sends out any requests on the ethernet.  But serial is the best way to go here.

I hooked up a terminal, and that gave me the clues. My device started up a tftp server on If I configure my IP address as, I could send a file to the device.
It was not, however, accepted. Incorrect checksum, according to the device. I might have the wrong image. I'll post any progress here.


Just bought the Tiny AC router and I have the same problem as you.

Any progress to date?

The discussion might have continued from here.