OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Target Profile can only be set to Default Profile

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

So I start from scratch:

git clone
cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a
make menuconfig

I select the Target System (Broadcom BCM63xx).
Now I want to select the Target Profile but only Default Profile shows up.

Why? Am I doing something wrong?

The Target Profile should be R5010UNV2. How do I select that if only Default Profile is available?

(Last edited by suso on 25 Jan 2017, 17:19)

Did you figure this out?

Nope. I've given up trying to update the sources. I have built different firmwares with the sources I had, changing its configuration and contents but it's a pity I wasn't able to simply update the sources. I used to execute svn update but  this doesn't seem to work anymore since the change to git.

I'm afraid I have to purge everything and start all over again. You just can't do that every day because it means hours of compilation. I'm no building expert, maybe someone else can explain howto update sources without starting from zero.

Try adding the .mk into 'target/linux/{path to arch et al]' and 'rm -r ./tmp' from the build dir.  After I added the .mk I wanted and removed the tmp dir it worked.

The discussion might have continued from here.