Hi. I have a D-Link 923. I have checked the list of supported routers and this does not seem to be listed. Please can somebody tell me if any router that is supported, which is similar to the D-Link 923. Then I could try to use the firmware for the other router on mine. I am not sure how risky this will be though, I dont want to mess the whole router up. Thanks
Topic: D-Link 923 unsupported. Will similar firmrware work?
The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
In almost all cases, each router needs some kind of special treatment (be it setting a hardware ID accepted by the existing vendor firmware updater, firmware encapsulation formats, the way the firmware needs to be structured (handover from the bootloader, compression format(s) of the kernel), mtd partitioning, switch configuration, offsets for MAC addresses and wlan calibration data), trying to force in some other firmware would be somewhere between highly risky and doomed to fail, unless the different devices are extremely similar (like variants for different regions or hardware revisions of the same device, but even those are very likely to differ, sometimes pretty significantly). Trying this requires a full backup, at the very least serial console- and bootloader level access and a reliable way to recover from failed flashes, just as sufficient knowledge about the firmware partitioning (so you don't accidentally overwrite crucial partitions, like bootloader, bootloader environment/ nvram, MAC addresses and calibration data for the wlan cards).
Hi. How would I go about getting firmware developed for this router? Is it hard and expensive to do? Is there a way to request somebody to do it for a fee?
I have a d-link dwr-956.
I think the 923 also has a lantiq SoC if i'm not mistaken, and is also similar to the Easybox 904. (Which has a working sdk now)
You could try that, but i honestly do not think it would work reliably. But i think it's the best chance you have.
You also might experience some parts not working, as that part is closed source, and not covered by the GPL.
The correct model name for this device is D-Link DWR-923.
Has anyone tried this? I mean the router has great specs it's a shame that the available firmware is so bad.
(Last edited by stefanpaulos on 12 Mar 2018, 15:02)
First step: Provide details on the chips used in D-Link DWR-923.
The discussion might have continued from here.