Finally decided to give OpenWRT a go and ... I haven't gotten far. :(
I have tried the page ( .../toh/ ) for installing OpenWRT over the OEM firmware ... result: bad magic number.
Now when I try and rollback to original firmware, I get the same result, IE bad magic number.
So, its current status is: won't complete boot process. OTherwise healthy, no physical damage etc.
I'm not sure what output/screens I should paste here to help you all help me, but am ready to do just that, as/when requested. I have a TTL serial cable hooked up and that is working fine.
UPDATE: I have used XVI32 to check the first bytes on all firmwares Ive tried to flash, and all seem to have a correct 'magic number', IE 27 05 19 56. So Im stumped. Anyone??
(Last edited by sil5er on 23 Feb 2017, 08:09)