I just entered: "wifi detect" and there is no output.
This is the output of "wifi status":
"radio0": {
"up": false,
"pending": false,
"autostart": true,
"disabled": false,
"retry_setup_failed": true,
"config": {
"path": "mbus\/mbus:pcie-controller\/pci0000:00\/0000:00:01.0\/0000:01:00.0",
"country": "00",
"hwmode": "11a",
"channel": "auto",
"distance": 10
"interfaces": [
"section": "@wifi-iface[0]",
"config": {
"mode": "ap",
"key": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"ssid": "araoz",
"encryption": "psk2+ccmp",
"mode": "ap",
"network": [
"section": "@wifi-iface[2]",
"config": {
"ssid": "vivaldi",
"mode": "sta",
"bssid": "B4:75:0E:FB:F8:B2",
"key": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"encryption": "psk2+ccmp",
"mode": "sta",
"network": [
"radio1": {
"up": true,
"pending": false,
"autostart": true,
"disabled": false,
"retry_setup_failed": false,
"config": {
"channel": "36",
"hwmode": "11a",
"path": "mbus\/mbus:pcie-controller\/pci0000:00\/0000:00:02.0\/0000:02:00.0",
"htmode": "HT20",
"country": "00"
"interfaces": [
"section": "@wifi-iface[1]",
"ifname": "wlan1",
"config": {
"mode": "ap",
"ssid": "araoz_5g",
"key": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"encryption": "psk2+ccmp",
"mode": "ap",
"network": [
Notice that in radio0 the "up" string is false, while in radio1 is true. I don't see in the configuration options the variable "up", if that would be a way to kick it off.
(Last edited by danielsender on 20 Apr 2017, 17:51)