OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Error Code 18005 - TP-link Archer C7 (AC1750)

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I recently bought a TP Link anchor C7. When I'm trying instead openwrt I am getting an error code:  "18005, upgrade unsuccessful because the version of the upgrade file was incorrect. Please check the file name."

Can someone help me?

Hey, try to rename your firmware with the same name at the Tp Link Archer C7 firmware.

For exemple, if the name is : Openwrt_Firmware.bin
and the Archer is Archer_Firmware.bin rename Openwrt_Firmware.bin by Archer_Firmware.bin i've got the same problem in the past with another TP-Link.

The firmware of the Archer is :
and the firmware of Openwrt
Rename the firmware by : c7v4_eu-up-ver1-0-2-P1[20170301-rel75727].bin

(Last edited by SimonR on 26 Apr 2017, 15:38)

Hi Simon

I try to change the file name to Archer_Firmware.bin but i was getting error code 18005.



Have you rename the file by : c7v4_eu-up-ver1-0-2-P1[20170301-rel75727].bin ?
Which Openwrt firmware have you download ?

(Last edited by SimonR on 26 Apr 2017, 15:55)

Hi Simon

I download openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx-generic-archer-c7-v2-squashfs-factory.bin .

Is this the right one?  If not can you link it to me?


It's the good OpenWrt Firmware, can you take a screenshoot when you change the firmware ? Before the upload and the error.



(Last edited by SimonR on 26 Apr 2017, 16:15)

Check your router's serial number.  15.05.1will brick on the later production V2s with new flash chip.  This is a different issue from the 18005 error though.

Hi mk24

My serial number is 216B409001114

It a EU Model and Version 2.

TP- Link firmware Version: 3.15.1 already install


(Last edited by will.andrews20 on 26 Apr 2017, 16:38)

Check the orange box. Better bet now would be this.

Hi Villeneuve

What orange box?


Well, if you follow the link there are two orange boxes on the right-hand side of page. Provides information/warnings regrading the upgraded flash type(serial #) and the locale specific issues on a flash. I would just go to the second link and flash a EU factory; that is where there is traction .

Hi Villeneuve

I did not work i am getting error code 18005.


I had fought this issue a couple years back, if memory serves(and not really all that well actually), and I think I used some trimmed FW from a polish site. If you search this forum on that error code, you should find a url to that site. I think dd-wrt also had a means to work around this issue.

I had the Same Problem.

I have the newest tp-link firmware build 160616 on my archer c7
the solution writen here
does not work...

I Downloaded the EU Firmware Version from LEDE 17.01.1
this file works.

(Last edited by tuts on 15 May 2017, 09:31)

Totally agree with tuts !

I have to get LEDE 17.01.1 in order to pass the error 18005, other solutions didn't worked.

The file is here

And then you can upgrade to what firmware you want.

Hope it will help smile

tuts wrote:

I had the Same Problem.

I have the newest tp-link firmware build 160616 on my archer c7
the solution writen here
does not work...

I Downloaded the EU Firmware Version from LEDE 17.01.1
this file works.

The discussion might have continued from here.