NetGear WNR612v2 no USB.
Powered by LuCI Trunk (0.12+svn-r10530) OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07
Out of space.
Dreaming of external storage on Windows machine I did the following:
1. Create two, FAT & NTFS, Windows test shares:
2. Assign to both of them maximum allowed users access for EveryOne with Full Control.
3. Connect to OpenWrt by Putty SSH as root.
4. Create on OpenWrt two test folders /tmp/xmn & /tmp/xmnsrc
5. Trying to mount-unmount - OK.
root@OpenWrt:~# mount /tmp/xmnsrc /tmp/xmn
root@OpenWrt:~# mount
root@OpenWrt:~# umount /tmp/xmn
root@OpenWrt:~# mount
6. Ping - OK.
7. Trying to mount:
mount -t nfs \\\\wmnfat /tmp/xmn
mount: mounting \\wmnfat on /tmp/xmn failed: No such device
I try variouse combinations & quantities of "/ \ :" but all are bad.
Please, advice me a right working syntax of mount command.
And, the second - is there a way to check from OpenWrt - if windows share is accessible - without monting it?
Like in Windows I can check LAN share by:
Dir \\\wmnfat