OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: ULOG - Please help!!!!

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


First, I must ask that you be gentle with me as this is my first post...And it's rather long, which i apologise for..

Secondly, I must mention that I am a Linux midget..

I am trying to get ulog working on my wrt.  I have used the latest snapshot & installed the ulogd package - fine.  The ulogd is logging to my 'mysql' server, all that is working.

What's not working is my iptables will not recognize ulog as a target.  Specifically it returns:

  iptables v1.2.11: Couldn't load target `ULOG':File not found

I tried installing the module with 'insmod ipt_ULOG.o', and a 'lsmod' replies that it has loaded the module.  But it still doesn't work.

Does ULOG have to be built in to the kernel?  If so, would it be possible to have it build into the next snapshot? (remember, i am a linux midget!)

Thanks for any assistance you can provide..


this should be frequently asked question #123325423
(with the 123325420 before it also being the exact same question)

You assume that just because you've loaded something new into the kernel that iptables should magically know exactly how to use that new feature.

You're missing /lib/iptables/

2nd question: how do you get

It's part of the iptable source, look at PF_EXT_SLIB in the extensions/Makefile.


thanks for the response.  Maybe I should have been more specific.

I am using the binary image openwrt-g-code.bin as found in the latest snapshot.  I am not compiling myself, on account of being a linux midget. :-)

1.  I guess what i want to know is, is ULOG compiled in this build, and if not, could the excellent maintainers of this great package perhaps include it in the snapshots?

.. maybe this request belongs else where??

Thanks again..


ULOG is the kernel module which you have to load.

Copy ipt_ULOG.o into your /lib/<kernel-version/netfilter directory.

Make sure you also have this:

The discussion might have continued from here.