OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Is Archer T2U (MT7610U) ready for use in OpenWrt??

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello, i'm searching information of possibilities of use this usb dongle in my OpenWrt device but i found multiple and ambiguous information, possibly obsolete too.

Is possible use this dongle in OpenWrt? (Im using OpenWrt in Raspberry device)

Thanks to answerers

no and it probably won't be as the germans are quite pissed at ralink series 7610. they've also won award for least funny people in the world

crash1912 wrote:

Hello, i'm searching information of possibilities of use this usb dongle in my OpenWrt device but i found multiple and ambiguous information, possibly obsolete too.

Which one ...

The discussion might have continued from here.