Hey there.
I don't think "multiwan" is the path you want to follow, since you don't want to pass "general traffic" (originating from any device of your network and maybe even the router itself) through the VPN tunnel and apply failover of load balancing to it. Unless you want to do something in that area, multiwan is just to huge of a monster to configure.
But "ip rules" using a secondary routing table is the way to go, just as mikma suggested.
https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php … 42#p244242
That's what I did a couple of years ago. My example doesn't create a secondary wifi for VPN traffic but only forces a single IP (that I configured statically in my DHCP server) of my default range. But it's enough for an example. Of course it's perfectly fine for you to set up a dedicated VLAN with its own IP range and a distinct wifi SSID on top of that.
The first code section (dealing with "ip route" and "ip rule") is necessarily created on a command line level (startup script). At least I don't know about a UCI way of doing this.
The second code section (with the "iptables") is pretty much the same as the link mikma gave you. So you can skip the command line section and add it to UCI instead, just as the link tells you.