OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: connection with PC failed

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Dear All,

I have a Compex WPJ558 Wi-Fi board. I recently flashed it with OpenWRT and Lede. I got one problem when try to use my PC to connect with the board and use luci to configure that board, I got some problem.

Problem: I connect the board with my PC using wire and the PC is set to DHCP. Then, I found that the connection always fails because the PC won't be assigned an IP address automatically. Since the connection is unsuccessful, I cannot login LUCI.

Possible Solution I've tried.

1, I tried to assign my PC with a static IP address: "". The connection seems to be good but still cannot login LUCI. I cannot ping my router on my PC either. So I believe the connection is not correctly built.

2, To make sure that the hardware is good. I flash the board with the firmware from Compex company called "CompexWRT" which is a modified version of OpenWRT. It works with static IP "". I can login LUCI. Everthing is fine.

3, Since "CompexWRT" works, I also copy its configuration file in "/etc/config/network" to the OpenWRT system. However, even with the same configuration, it still fails to work.

BTW, I got two WPJ558 board, they have exactly the same problem.

Any suggestions or any explanation to this? And advice are greatly appreciated.


(Last edited by AlexXie on 29 May 2017, 07:44)

Which OpenWrt and / or LEDE firmware image did you use?

I use "openwrt-ar71xxx-generic-wpj558-16M-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin" and "lede-ar71xxx-generic-wpj558-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin". I think they are the correct one, am I right?

You are using trunk/shapshot images which do not contain LuCI.

First of all, it has nothing to do with luci. I just cannot connect my PC with the board.The connection won't be build.

Second, I installed LUCI. I installed LUCI using ./scripts/feeds install luci. I also tried to install LUCI with "opkg install luci". None of them work.

What happens if you  use a release image (OpenWrt 15.05.1 / LEDE 17.01.1) instead of a snapshot image?

No difference. I tried all different verison of openWRT.

I don't know what's the problem here. Totally no idea.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried the the factory-image and not the sysupgrade-file?

But problem is, I didn't see the factory-image.

After successful compling the OpenWRT, the bin file I can find about WPJ558 is
1, openwrt-ar71xx-generic-wpj558-16M-kernel.bin
2, openwrt-ar71xx-generic-wpj558-16M-rootfs-squashfs.bin
3, openwrt-ar71xx-generic-wpj558-16M-squashfs-sysupgrade

I also don't know how to use the other 2. The kernel and rootfs seems useless according to the guide from CompexWiki

For sure.

I already found the problem. It is about the PoE. The board has a LAN and WAN port. But the LAN port and PoE is the same port. So, I need to connect my PC over PoE port and at the same time provide power through that port. I use a PoE injector to achieve that.

The discussion might have continued from here.