OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: In over my head trying to get 2 separate networks with VLAN's

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I hope you guys can help me. I have struggled my way through every step of this. I can usually figure things out but this is just a bit beyond me.

Basically I want to make 2 separate networks with my Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH router. I managed to get OpenWrt (Chaos_Calmer) installed on it and have been fumbling through google trying to figure out how to do the VLAN's

Basically I went to Network/Switch and added a VLAN
on #1, set Port 0 & 4 off and 1,2,3 to 'untagged' & CPU to 'tagged'
on #2 set Port 0 to 'untagged', 1,2,3,4 off & CPU to 'tagged' as well

Then went to Network/Interfaces and added a new interface
Set the static IPv4 address to & IPv4 netmask to
Turned DHCP Server on
Under physical settings I selected VLAN Interface "eth0.2"
Under firewall settings selected the 'lan' firewall zone.

That all seemed to work. I have 2 computers plugged into ports 1 & 4 on the router and internet coming into the WAN port. Both have internet access & the IP addresses seem correct ( for one and for the other). I tried to ping each of them and it was a 100% loss.

So does that sound right? Did I miss any important steps? Is there any other way to confirm the 2 computers can't talk to each other at all?


Yes, everything looks right; both networks will remain isolated from each other, unless you allow it explicitly.

awesome, thanks so much!

The discussion might have continued from here.