OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: To Admins: Please fix broken spam check

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I noticed that trying to use the work " u h t t p d " without spaces causes the post to fail SPAM check as it is detected as a link (which it is not).

this word is commonly used to reference the LuCl service name in OpenWRT which really is a bummer smile

Please see if you can tweak your link detection Regex (or send me what you have and I'll gladly fix it for you).

Best wishes,


I would not call it broken, as it is filtering out almost all SPAM... Annoying for newcomers? Yes, sure!

This restriction will go away when you post more often.
Compared to the previous state where everybody was allowed to post links right from post #1, we now have practically zero spam im this forum, which I really appreciate.

No doubt, spam check is a needed feature.

The positive tests for this feature are to see if it blocks spam links.

The negative tests for this feature are to see if it blocks non-spam (like my example).  It fails this test smile

As a software developer myself I can tell you that this is a bug.

I offer up my services to fix the regex for this, just send me what you're currently using and I'll improve it.

BTW I wonder how many newfolks try to post legitimate questions and leave frustrated due to the error message (which is unclear as the blocked text isn't displayed and isn't obvious without a painstaking trial and error process)


(Last edited by newgeo on 1 Jun 2017, 20:54)

The discussion might have continued from here.