OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: question about embedded devices

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

i do have question about embedded devices based linux like routers
i am a web developer so i don't have experience with this kind of devices
i was hoping you experts on this would guide me about my question

long story short i had a linksys router it was fine until it broke
so i bought a router from my isp
and the thing its piece of shit
it's locked on something called tr-096 you know what it is
the point is it collect data
and i can't change the url or the user it's locked it's <input readonly> i quess
any way i checked if it supported by openwrt or dd-wrt it's not
but it really has a good h/w
CPu is Realtek @450MHz
Flash is 16MB
RAM isint. SDRAM 32MB
i searched for any solution zero
so i want try to edit it myself
i managed to get my hand on a bin file the firmware on the device and its working fine
i used ubuntu and some tools to extract it binwalk and here where i need you there is a lot of files
some of them written in c i guess but there is a lot of files that i don't know how to read them or edit them

one more thing i downloaded a random openwrt bin file and extract it the same way and the files are close names and  folders you know
that is why i posted here hoping someone would guide me through how to understand it how to edit those files is there any tools or something
and built it after edit any help would be appreciated
thank you

And with all do respect those people who exist on every forum
tiling you can't and it's complicated and always asking questions like it's their job to put you down and Frustrates you
please keep it to yourself

(Last edited by registeravast1999999 on 7 Jun 2017, 16:45)

okay thank you for your reply
it's TR-069 not TR-096
no need for the link it was just a mistake of typing
did you reed any thing after it or just that horple mistake of typing made you angry so you had to mention it and ignore anything else 

because if you did read you want asking that question the router is not supported
and the model or oem doesn't matter and i know that we are going to spend the next 3 page argue about where it matter or not
or i could just deleted all of that and answer you and then you are going to ask about my isp and then my name and then what i eat for dinner
and so on but the main questions the one that really need answer you will ignore it
so let me stop you here thank for your help that is a good link i have learned alot from it thank you

for others those who really helping people learn and not small minded that just want to argue
sorry about that waist of your time reading things that doesn't matter

the main question is
one more thing i downloaded a random openwrt bin file and extract it the same way and the files are close names and  folders you know
that is why i posted here hoping someone would guide me through how to understand it how to edit those files is there any tools or something
and built it after edit any help would be appreciated
thank you

The problem is compiling a kernel and other binaries to run on the Lexra core in the Realtek CPU.
A couple of recent threads about it in the Hardware Hacking subforum. Mainstream Linux has shunned the Lexra as it is a crippled machine and for a compiler to work around those missing instructions is difficult.

at first thank you mk24
second i didn't understand a word form that i am a web developer with
some experience with c ,c# ,c++ ,vb Linux

so that bin file i mention is the firmware from my isp i flashed it from the web interface and it worked i just want to edit that part about
TR-069 and then recreating the bin file i am not taring to make it supported by openwrt
i just post it here because as i said when i extract bin file from openwrt the files were close names and folders and extensions
some of them where without any extions i didn't understand any of it even in the url at the files look  dot html but there is not a single html file at the extracted files i was hoping that you would complete what i am missing here for my area of expert as a web developer and give me a tools or something like binwalk to edit those files and built it
just like you edit openwrt bin files not form the command in the web interface you get what i mean
and again thank you for your help

OpenWrt's philosophy is to have the source code for everything, change it where needed, then compile a complete new bin image from scratch.  So we seldom if ever try to dig through bins and modify them.

you didn't answer any of my questions
it's like you are reading in different topic
with all do respect your answer is not conclusive it just public info to me
is it possible or not ??
if it is would you please share your experience and tell me something at least to search for

any explanation at any point i mention in last two posts ???zero

i apearcheat your time your effort to help but this not helping at all
your short answer is not what i am looking for again i not an expert in this area so try not to ignore what i am saying and explain more
or say anything useful for god sake
if you really want to help try to read the full post and answer point by point but if you don't have the time
thank you but don't Frustrate me
and thank you again

The bottom line is that this is the wrong forum to ask the question you are asking. 

Yes, what you are wanting to do-- hack a factory firmware to disable or remove the TR-069 client-- is likely possible, but it is something well outside the scope of OpenWrt development or usage.  As an OpenWrt user and very light developer, I have no experience hacking factory firmware so I can't help you there.

I do know that OpenWrt does not contain any .html files because all the pages the user sees from its web interface are dynamically generated by LUA scripts. LUA is a lot like PHP but smaller. Most other router firmware likely does a similar thing but in a completely different way.

The discussion might have continued from here.