I just purchased the above mini router and am trying to install purevpn on it. I'm clueless when you start talking packages, command lines, etc. Can anyone walk me through in English with clear step by baby step instructions on installing purevpn on this router? I would be eternally grateful, Thanks in advance.
Topic: GL-MT300N How do I install purevpn on router
The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
aportugee, you can follow my AirVPN guide with corresponding modifications. Stock firmware is custom OpenWRT, it contains specific interface for OpenVPN-client, you can use it also, my manual is applicable too.
(Last edited by ulmwind on 8 Jun 2017, 21:49)
ulmwind; Thank you for your post and instructions. Unfortunately, I don't understand the directions. I know how to go to to access my router and I know to input the username and password of my purevpn account but; I don't know which files to download to the system or where to get each particular file and/or, is there a specific order to install them? I tried downloading what I thought were the necessary files from purevpn but; got a message that the certificate wasn't unlocked and then it didn't seem that I could unzip the last file that was included. I'm totally lost. Is that just to complicated for a newbe or is there somewhere I can go with very, very simple and specific directions? Thanks again for your patience.
aportugee, you can login to your router via web-interface; you also can login to it by ssh, using putty in Windows. In custom firmware there is item like "Additional settings", clicking it you get standard OpenWRT-interface. Can you login using putty? You should download files here.
ulmwind; Do you mean I can log in via web-interface but; I NEED to log in via Putty instead? I know how to log in via web-interface.
Also, I have downloaded those files before but; when I unzip them I have a problem. The file ca says something about the certificate not being recognized and then I go through a clicking in windows process where eventually it says Windows assigned it a "store" based on the type of certificate. Then on the "Wdc" file, I get a "class not registered" message and when I click on OK, I get a message that "Windows cannot complete the extraction. The destination file could not be created."
Any suggestions? Many thanks...
aportugee, yes, web-interface, can you find item like "Additional settings"? It is link to full-functional native OpenWRT-interface.
In my manual you should connect via ssh, and make all settings via command line. It is universal approach, to my mind. You should use ca.crt, Wdc.key just for OpenVPN-connection, not for Windows itself.
Are you familiar with Linux command line?
If you have a BRAND NEW GLi device with stock GLi firmware, then you should try to use the GLi (VPN) tool set already installed (GLi GUI vs the OpenWRT GUI => Advanced). It should have VPN tools already installed and scripts to connect to many of the VPN services out there.
You have GLi firmware if you are using IP
You can post here: https://www.gl-inet.com/forums/forum/general/
There are related docs here: https://www.gl-inet.com/docs/openwrt/openvpn/
RangerZ, my manual is universal, it also contains killswitch, I don't recommend use custom inventions based on the same OpenWRT.
Ulmwind; No, I do not see Additional Settings anywhere. I see Settings but; when I click on it, there is no Additional Settings. In addition to Settings, I do see Administration and Open vpn. When I click on Open vpn, that is where I have tried to load the linux files. When I do that, I get the following error messages.
Auth: Received Control Message: Authorization Failed
SIGUSR1 [soft, auth-failure] received, process restarting
No server certificate verification method has been enabled
TCP/UDP incoming packet rejected from [AF_inet}[2]
I don't know what to do about the above errors.
RangerZ; I do have a new GLi but; I have attempted to install the linux files several times now. Unfortunately, I just do not understand the tech jargon so, seem to be unable to follow tech directions. I'm about ready to cancel the vpn service since I have 30 days to do so. I've looked at your related documents but; again don't really understand what they are telling me to do. If given choices, I don;t know which choice to make...
aportugee, it is simpler for me to tell you by Skype... What is your Skype?
GLi is delivered with a custom image which should have all the files one needs to run OpenVpn including configs for most VPN services. You should not have to install anything to make this work. Basically you should be choosing your service and supplying credentials to make this work.
Reading this post it appears that the OP is using the GLI GUI and thus will not see the (Services=>OpenVPN=>) Additional Settings or similar. OP has not indicated that he has found the stock OpenWrt menus (Advanced Configuration in the GLi GUI's upper right) and will not be seeing the LuCi GUI
You should post on the GLi forum, and make sure you include what version of firmware is on your device. You can find this on the main GLi GUI page.
Ulmwind; my skype name is Sam.Koester I will look forward to your skype. Do you want to set a time? Is there any information I should have available ahead of time?
Thanks, aportugee
RangerZ; I have version 2.25 and when I got to the I do not see Additional Settings. I do see Advanced Settings in the upper right corner but; haven't a clue what to do with the information on that page. As for going to the sites you listed, when it comes to following the instructions, I get lost when it says things like if you have this, use this and if you have that, use this. Since I don't understand any of it and therefore don't have a clue which to choose.
The "Advanced Settings" is correct, and it will take you to the Standard OpenWrt menus which ulmwind has been referring to.
If you open the linux-files which ulmwind referred to in post 4 you will find folders UDP and TCP which contain OpenVPN files for the various servers. Not sure of the source, but I assume he sourced these from PureVpn.
On the GLi menu click the OpenVPN tab on the far right. While it says drag the opvn file to the box, it appears it wants a single zip file with the openvpn file and key. That is the best I can offer.
RangerZ; I've tried uploading the files several times times as instructed but; I keep getting the message below and can't seem to correct the problem. So there seems to be a problem with the "server certification verificatin method" and "incoming packet rejected" "allow this incoming source address/port by removing remote or ading --float.
OpenVpn is connecting ...
Last log SIGUSR1[soft,auth-failure] received, process restarting WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm for more info. UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef] UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET] TCP/UDP: Incoming packet rejected from [AF_INET][2], expected peer address: [AF_INET] (allow this incoming source address/port by removing --remote or adding --float)
OpenVpn is connecting ...
Last log WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm for more info. UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef] UDPv4 link remote: [AF_INET] TCP/UDP: Incoming packet rejected from [AF_INET][2], expected peer address: [AF_INET] (allow this incoming source address/port by removing --remote or adding --float) [PureVPN] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
aportugee, I haven't got response to my Skype request. What is your e-mail?
Ulmwind; I did respond to your request for my Skype name. See post of 2017-06-10 16:53:07. My email is: aportugee@yahoo.com I do appreciate you trying to help me sort this out. aportugee.
aportugee, I haven't got response to e-mail either...
The discussion might have continued from here.