I've been trying for a couple weeks to get an openwrt WAP working in esxi. I have been able to install openwrt and pass a usb wireless adapter through to the vm successfully. After that I run the following commands...
opkg update
opkg install kmod-rt2800-lib kmod-rt2800-usb kmod-rt2x00-lib kmod-rt2x00-usb
mv /etc/config/wireless /tmp
wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless
I then restart the VM and when I go to the network tab in the Luci interface there is a Wifi option, but I have the dreaded "0% Wireless is disabled or not associated" message. At this point I have been looking all over the past couple weeks and tried everything I could find including...
-changing the channel to auto, and various numbers
-changing the hwmode to n, g, ng, etc.
-adding the disabled '0' line
-changing the htmode to HT20, HT40, etc.
...and various others. No matter what I do I can't seem to get the wifi interface to enable. Is there something blatantly obvious I'm missing?