OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: [TL-WR1043ND v1] Unknown password after return to original firmware

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I returned to original firmware on my WR1043, using "TL-WR1043ND-V1-FW0.0.3-stripped.bin" and cannot login to device any more.
During installation all went ok. Rebooting fine as well. Login screen is in place, but cannot accept any user/password combinations.

So far I tried (user/password):

  • admin/admin

and nothing is working.

Do you know more?

I also tried to login via telnet, but ruter is refusin connection (on port 23).

Any idea what I can try next?


The OEM firmware doesn't have a telnetd or sshd running, the only method of access is the webinterface via http, the default access credentials being admin/ admin. While not necessary, resetting the router (again) won't hurt.

I'm afraid something went wrong during flashing.
Is there any way to upgrade firmware without need to login via webinterface? Without telnet or ssh, might be difficult...
Once I flashed router via Rx/Tx, but maybe there is another, more easy, way to make sysupgrade?

That depends...

Originally, the bootloader shipped with the TL-WR1043ND v1 didn't have the tftp rescue mode enabled, TP-Link changed that only very late during their firmware maintenance. Depending on the last vendor firmware version ever installed on your device, it might be available - or not, you just have to try (checking for tftp requests in wiresharknis a good idea).

The only other alternative would be to connect a TTL-level serial console (requires opening the caseand soldering).

Thanks. I will try with tftp, but just one question...
If I'm not mistaken, by tftp I can only upload firmware to the router. How then run installation?

Follow the wiki regarding that.

I tried the Wiki way, but not successed, so last resort remained.

I run COM, but..... once again something went wrong.
Erasing went well, but transfering via tftp failed:

ar7100>erase 0xbf020000 +7c0000
First 0x2 last 0x7d sector size 0x10000
Erased 124 sectors
ar7100 tftpboot 0x81000000 code.bin
Using eth0 device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename ‘code.bin’.
Load address: 0x81000000
Loading: T T T T T T T T T T
Retry count exceeded; starting again

Do you know what could be wrong?

No any single idea?
I'm wondering about "T T T T ....". What does it mean?

That TTTT means either transferred blocks or timeouts (while waiting for blocks). I see something similar as timeout symbols in a Netgear bootloader when it looks for possible servers during early boot.

Are you sure you have a TFTP server running on (and its possible firewall allows incoming TFTP connecitons?)

The discussion might have continued from here.