OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: ZBT-WE826-T with minipci-e 4g module,not recognizing inserted sim slot

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I tried all the ways, nano, micro simcard and full simcard, I guess you have to place a full simcard right because a nano, micro is too small for that sim card hole, anyway, firmware came with LuCI Trunk (svn-r10457) OpenWrt Barrier Breaker unknown. I have bought 4 and none of them are recognizing the simcard. So I wonder what to do next, looks like zbt employees are not working today and i need to finish setting things up. Can anybody help me with it, I would be very glad if anybody could.

(Last edited by Metroid on 18 Jun 2017, 05:24)

Do you have a 4G modem card installed? The PCIe slot may have a 5 GHz 802.11ac card, cellular modem, or empty slot.  The SIM card is only used with a modem installed.

Thanks for you reply, yes I do,, yes I have the EC25-A mini pci-e module installed which is for band 2, 4 and 12, my problem is that ZBT has placed a custom firmware which checks if the simcard is connected or not, is like a scan to check which devices are connected and so far the simcard could not get detected, it says, is not inserted and that is all. It has been a pain, I bought 4 devices, one I installed lede-17.01.2-ramips-mt7620-zbt-we826-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin but I cant make the simcard to be recognized too, opkg update and installed all 3g dongle usb packages interfaces that exist however this is a mini pci-e module card and the zbt we826 has a simcard slot however i have no idea how to insert the simcard or maybe I installed it right but is not getting recognized by the firmware. Its kind difficult. I sent an email to zbt, lets see if they can help me.

By the way on the custom zbt firmware has a 4g wan interface, but if the simcard can't be recognized that will not help, I wonder why this is happening, for me I wanted it to be plug and play. I use the band 2 and band 4 simcard US, Canada lte frequency.

This is how I think the simcard should be installed, facing upwards. Also as you can see on the 2 images, only a full sized simcard will be adequate to be installed, nano or micro is just too small, maybe any user here that owns a zbt-we826 could tell me if I placed the simcard right or wrong would help me a lot.



Any idea how I could make this to work? Anything is helpful.

Right now I'm using it as an access point only, need this lte to work as fast as possible.

(Last edited by Metroid on 18 Jun 2017, 22:58)

I contacted ZBT and they showed me a video on how to insert the simcard and now all are okay. Amazing support by ZBT. Thanks all the people who read and try to help.

How much did this module addition cost?

The discussion might have continued from here.