OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Q: Blocking Certain Port Range(s) from only one WiFi / SSID

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi !

I have created 2 x SSIDs (1 for staff and another for guests) on the same WiFi interface.
Now its need to block some IPs and IP ranges on guest network, for example SMB, AFP, SSH, etc.
However, in firewall rules I can specify only network name (e.g. LAN).

How to define firewall rules to block ports on guest WiFi only?
Or I should create new network (e.g. guest_lan) and assign that WiFi SSID to it ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion(s).

The discussion might have continued from here.