I flashed my MR3020 with the sysupgrade file instead of the factory file - factory wouldn't work [it kept saying please select file] and then I selected sysupgrade to see if it would work and it flashed successfully. I was able to ssh onto the router and set the password but I cannot access the web gui. I have tried to install luci but I have to use a phone as hotspot or with tethering and it says that a connection couldn't be established. I was able to enable the wifi and I set up another router that I was able to tether the phone to and connected an ethernet cable to the MR3020. I can connect to the openwrt network and have internet connectivity but then I cannot access the MR3020. I've scanned for the IP of it and cannot find it.
My first question is - did I cause this by flashing the sysupgrade file? If so, would it be solved by flashing the factory.bin file? What is the command for doing so via ssh? Is there an easier way to solve this issue - am I missing something really simple? This is my first time experimenting with openwrt so I don't know much about it yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!