OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Please recommend me a fitting router.

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm looking for a widely available, well supported and inexpensive router for use as a core router for home use (around 5 people connected over wireless), with obviously good WiFi capabilities (802.11ac is not necessary, I want it to work well instead of working fast). My intent is to put it behind my ISP modem (put the ISP router in bridged mode).

Problem is, I need it today or tomorrow, so it really has to be widely available smile

I've looked at the ToH which lists all routers that support the current OWRT release, but is that sufficient to identify which router is well supported? How can I seek devices based on how well they are supported?

Thanks in advance.

Choose one of the TP-Links from the list, as you have to hurry.

The Linksys 1900acs wifi works well too.

Thanks everyone. Considering the price I settled for a TP-WR1043ND v2.1 (for 10 EUR!)

I'm thinking you might get what's being paid for.

Otherwise, I consider the Linksys to be too expensive. For similar price, I definitely buy an APU2 from

Although, the Linksys looks better, compared to Swiss understatement :-)

(Last edited by augustus_meyer on 23 Jun 2017, 20:41)

davidc502 wrote:

I'm thinking you might get what's being paid for.

How so? According to the wiki page the v2.1 should be well supported.

AppAraat wrote:
davidc502 wrote:

I'm thinking you might get what's being paid for.

How so? According to the wiki page the v2.1 should be well supported.

I'm talking purely from a hardware standpoint. However, you know your needs, and this unit may be the best fit.

(Last edited by davidc502 on 24 Jun 2017, 14:35)

The sale didn't go through, so consider this question re-opened. However, I'm in Eastern Europe right now so preferably keep in mind device availability of that region as well.

augustus_meyer wrote:

Choose one of the TP-Links from the list, as you have to hurry.

what about the tp-links? 
how big is your budget?

rj-45 wrote:
augustus_meyer wrote:

Choose one of the TP-Links from the list, as you have to hurry.

what about the tp-links? 
how big is your budget?

Sorry, I should have specified my budget. I think I could go for around 100 EUR as maximum. This obviously includes prices for used devices. TP-Links sound wonderful provided they have A-grade OWRT support and proper working WiFi operation at that price.

(Last edited by AppAraat on 28 Jun 2017, 07:39)

tenda can be a better choice for inexpensive routers.

TL-WR842(EU) if you can buy it in your country.  The V3 EU version has 16 + 64 memory.

Thanks for the recommendations everyone.

I'll check out the ebay / craigslist equivalents here and report back. So far in shops I've spotted a TL-WR940N and a TL-WR845N, however I'm not at all sure about the hardware versions. As I've understood the support for the former is a bit hit-and-miss while the latter doesn't even have someone who managed to compile OWRT on it yet. My search continues on.

C7 v2 all the way for me at that price.

Damnit, so I've searched for your recommendations as well as recommendations listed here on ebay equivalent site but came up with no results. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Anyway, perhaps you people can do better than me: … ;LocID=320

hmm,  I think, we can't help you googling or buying things. That is a task you have to do on your own. We can tell you which routers are okay, but thats all. The TP-Link TL-WR1043ND is a new device and available almost everywhere, ebay, amazon, maybe even your local dealer around the corner.

rj-45 wrote:

hmm,  I think, we can't help you googling or buying things. That is a task you have to do on your own. We can tell you which routers are okay, but thats all. The TP-Link TL-WR1043ND is a new device and available almost everywhere, ebay, amazon, maybe even your local dealer around the corner.

Understandable. I also wouldn't ask if I hadn't done my research first smile
Ironically the TL-WR1043ND is the one that I aimed for in the first place but the sale failed (organizational reasons).

Despite this however, my search will continue.

Can you explain why/how the sale failed?

rj-45 wrote:

Can you explain why/how the sale failed?

I had to abruptly plan for travel, and underestimated the time for preparation. As such I couldn't make it to the appointment and thought I could buy a router here instead. I am starting to regret that now though tongue

travel you call organizational reasons. I like that. It's getting more and more interesting with every post.

(Last edited by rj-45 on 29 Jun 2017, 19:23)

The discussion might have continued from here.