You can not post links until you become a bit more trusted. Not sure what the number is but it's probably 10-12.
I can not find your link by replacing dot with".". Do you have any key tags associated with it to find using the imgur advanced find? Do you see the hotspot in the Network=>Wireless Associated Stations section. If so what is the IP?
I have found that just opening a browser when attached as a STAtion to an AP (hotspot) with OpenWrt generally will NOT automatically redirect one to the Hotspots Portal page. Try typing in the portal page's URL directly (and then save it if you will need it frequently).
I agree with mk24, you should be able to take a bone stock device and connect just adding a new STAtion. You may want to change the default IP address of your device to something less standard than ( If the IP above is the same as the TP-Link you may have a problem.
relayd is only needed if your are trying to connect 2 devices wirelessly on the same LAN and want to talk back and forth. You do not want this. You want your device to have the working firewall.
Worth noting the exact model of router you have and in general including your relevant config files for any posts.