I want do to set up a guest wifi but i use a dedicated wifi access point.
I don't want to have the guest wifi any access to my local lan.
Is there any tutorial how to set up this with an external AP?
I only found tutorials on how to setup a guest wifi on the router directly.
Topic: Guest Wifi on external AP
The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
It's in German. It seems to work.
https://blog.doenselmann.com/gaeste-wla … ess-point/
It creates a standard DUMB AP which gets it's DHCP from the primary router. It then takes you through creating a second AP for the GUEST on the DUMB AP with it's DHCP server on the DUMB AP. Then some firewall rules.
Ahh, that tutorial worked perfectly. In my case german was even preferred, but maybe someone should translate it to english (even if it uses already the englishs translation for luci). I haven't found anything comparable neither in english nor in german language. And also good explained, i even understood how it worked instead just following click-here-then-click-there tutorial.
Thx very much for the link.
The discussion might have continued from here.