OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Cannot install luci-app-sqm

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a wrt1200ac, on OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05.1 r49389

On this page I selected this image:

Mildly Customized Chaos Calmer [CC] Build (Released October 13, 2016)
Based on kernel version 3.18.36

When I try to install luci-app-sqm after hitting update on the repository I get:

Collected errors:
 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci-app-sqm:
 *     kernel (= 3.18.23-1-81be0e40bf30c51dba2c46c84dd50f29) * 
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-app-sqm.

Can anyone help? Thanks

I went ahead and just downgraded to Chaos Calmer [CC] 15.05.1 stable on the same page, it lets me install it. I did a sysupgrade and downgraded and kept the configuration and all seems fine.

for the latest in SQM and WI-FI drivers you should upgrade to LEDE 17.1.2

Hmm I do not have cake an option in sqm, do I need to install a newer build?

EDIT: Just saw your post, will do thanks.

(Last edited by jigglywiggly on 2 Jul 2017, 01:19)

I am getting same issue!

Yup, LEDE worked, thanks a lot.

For anyone else: I used the build here: … _wrt1200ac

I did a sysupgrade through luci and I did not check the box to save my config over.

My internet would not work and I could not access luci. I restarted my modem and internet connectivity worked, so I went ahead and ssh'd into the router and installed luci and then I was able to enable cake.

(Last edited by jigglywiggly on 2 Jul 2017, 02:49)

BTW take a look at the addblock package it is really very good IMO!

The discussion might have continued from here.