Dear Forum members,
I have hit a problem with dropbear on my openwrt router.
I have set up two dropbear instances like this:
one instance listening on all interfaces, with disabled password authentication, and root password login and root login disabled
one instance listening on an internal interface, with password authentication enabled, and root password login enabled
I have added a firewall rule, to allow access to port 22 of the device from the outside world.
I have set up a set of public keys to allow pubkey authentication.
I also have set up a new user, who can log in, and then sudo to root when necessary.
I have created its home, and ~/.ssh directories 0700 and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys as 0600, and put the /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys' contents to it.
I also have set up dyndns properly.
The problem is the following:
When trying to ssh into the router over its dyndns name (on the standard port), the connection is being reset right away.
If I ssh in to the internal IP of the router on the default ssh port, then the connection is established properly.
I tried to debug the problem, did a tcpdump on the external interface of the router, but I only saw the SYN package arrive, upon which an RST was sent as a reply.
Meanwhile I can see an american/Canadian IP (something like trying to brute-force its way to the router, but it did manage to get a proper connection up to dropbear (only to be refused access), because I could see its attempts in the system log.
My attempts to connect however did not leave any trace in the system logs.
My questions are:
how could I most efficiently debug this problem
did I make a mistake/forget a step
If yes, what was it?
Thank you!
(Last edited by wowbaggerHU on 9 Jul 2017, 20:19)