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Topic: wondershaper dnsmasq virtual ssid

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi All

Please I need somebody can say me how can I fix the next issue.

I am using OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14.07 in TP-Link TL-MR3220 v2. Now I am testing the virtual SSID because I wanted to use wondershaper. The reason: limited data in LTE modem plan, I am not living in city so part of family use WIFI to watch Youtube in HD... now with virtual ssid and wondershaper i can limit the speed and force the quality video to standard for the virtual ssid.This works excellent

The issue happen when I reboot the router (from luci o using ssh) because the service wshaper fail when start in boot. I think it is because the wlan0-1 (virtual wifi) is not just active when start. I used a simple line in rc.local to fix this: this line (sleep 10 && /etc/init.d/wshaper start && /etc/init.d/wshaper restart)&
However after this, in reboot sometimes the router access is not working, the dhcp or dnsmasq I think is not working because my devices (phone, laptop, etc) says: obtaining ip... Luckily the laptop can use access ssh to router using, then I do /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart and again work normally, all devices get IP address
Sometimes only Unplugging and plugging again the boot and proccess works without problems

Sorry if I am wrong, I am only a basic user of linu. I added the next lines to rc.local to resolve this:

(/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart)&
(sleep 10 && /etc/init.d/wshaper start && /etc/init.d/wshaper restart)&

so, Where is the problem using a virtual ssid and wondershaper ????

my config used to use virtual ssid:


config interface 'vwifi'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''

cat /etc/config/dhcp

config dhcp
        option start '100'
        option leasetime '12h'
        option interface 'vwifi'
        option limit '10'


config wifi-iface
        option device 'radio0'
        option mode 'ap'
        option ssid 'SSID'
        option network 'vwifi'
        option encryption 'psk-mixed'
        option key '+X+mEtN56qVF98k'


config zone
        option input 'ACCEPT'
        option forward 'REJECT'
        option output 'ACCEPT'
        option name 'vwifi'
        option network 'vwifi'

config forwarding
        option dest 'wan'
        option src 'vwifi'

Thanks,Im sorry my english

Make vwifi a bridge and set force_link on it.  This will make it always exist even if the wifi is down.  Run wshaper on br-vwifi, not wlan0-1.

wshaper is obsolete you should look at sqm instead.

mk24 Thanks, I added the config bridge and force_link (like lan interface) and now after test three Reboot, the service wshapers works without problems. No commands needed in rc.local to restart services after end boot process, thanks again. I leave some screen htt p s://

respect to sqm, the last year I tested extroot and sqm tool but I found it has high latency. I dont like, I prefer wshaper.

good luck smile

(Last edited by jxtrem on 8 Jul 2017, 05:07)

jxtrem wrote:

mk24 [...]

respect to sqm, the last year I tested extroot and sqm tool but I found it has high latency. I dont like, I prefer wshaper.

good luck smile

Hi there,

quick question what exactly were your issues with sqm-scripts? Did you get help and support back the? I ask, because I am willing to help evaluating sqm-scripts again for your use-case. It is clear that sqm-scripts will not work for everybody as the goal is a basically no toggles traffic shaper that mostly does either the right thing or at least no harm; but for users requiring, say prioritization on a IP basis sqm-scripts simply is the wrong tool. But latency reduction per se is in sqm-script's scope and it would be interesting to see whether we can get this going for your use case. Just let me know if you are interested in re-vsitiong sqm-scripts, if not that obviously is also fine...

Best Regards

Hi moeller0,

I think I will not back to test again the sqm script, simply because now the connection of internet is different and because is a bit complex to implement again, so Im sorry for this.
However I can say what was the particular issue and why I never thought again use in my router.

I had a very slow connection using 3g usb modem download speed of 1Mbps. Basically I used to surf in internet, watch low quality video in Youtube and watch satellite TV with IKS account to desencrypt channel, obviously. In this point IKS account need only a stable connection, the speed was not important for this. The issue happened what I tried to use two or more task in the same time, I am agree off course the bandwidth of internet is small, but I needed the IKS account used by my satellital be the first priority because using all in same time many times the IKS account lost or not received the packets of server IKS, so I couldn't watched TV.

Then, I found the sqm-script, but to use I needed more flash memory. I had to downgrade from Chaos Calmer 15.05 to Barrier Breaker 14.07 why this version was the only allow me install necessary *.ipk to use extroot and so can use external storage usb to install 3g *ipk and sqm *ipk

All implementation work ok, but sometime the extroot was failing, while use the router or simply en boot process. in this situation I think this config will not work OK. This was one reason because I never used again.
Respect to the how worked the sqm-scripts I can says It worked worst than if you doesnt use the script xD. The IKS connection was very very more bad, I think extremelly bad respect to the theorical idea to manage better slow connection. My IKS in decoder several simply lost connections. The sqm scripts doesnt have option to add a first priority IP to avoid lost package necessary because They arrived every five seconds and whenuse sqm-script while execute two or more task (surf, phone apps, messages, whatsapp, videos youtube) the IKS accounts simply doesnt works. it need only 80kps to work. For this reason I said the sqm-script had High latency.
I tested it in my basic router TP-Link TL-MR3220 v2.
Now Fortunately I have a LTE connection of 20Mbps max, so the problem is limited data plan, and using wondershaper I can set a slow speed to avoid HD video in phones/devices in my family big_smile. It is works great more virtual SSID

i would like learn to create a custom image with 4g *ipk and wondershaper *ipk, but I think is complex D:

it was all

jxtrem wrote:

I think I will not back to test again the sqm script, simply because now the connection of internet is different and because is a bit complex to implement again, so Im sorry for this.

        Don't be sorry, it is a fine decision to stick to something that works (even though I believe wshaper is not available in LEDE anymore, as long as you stick to old openwrt builds things should just continue to work)

jxtrem wrote:

However I can say what was the particular issue and why I never thought again use in my router.

I had a very slow connection using 3g usb modem download speed of 1Mbps. Basically I used to surf in internet, watch low quality video in Youtube and watch satellite TV with IKS account to desencrypt channel, obviously. In this point IKS account need only a stable connection, the speed was not important for this. The issue happened what I tried to use two or more task in the same time, I am agree off course the bandwidth of internet is small, but I needed the IKS account used by my satellital be the first priority because using all in same time many times the IKS account lost or not received the packets of server IKS, so I couldn't watched TV.

Then, I found the sqm-script, but to use I needed more flash memory. I had to downgrade from Chaos Calmer 15.05 to Barrier Breaker 14.07 why this version was the only allow me install necessary *.ipk to use extroot and so can use external storage usb to install 3g *ipk and sqm *ipk

All implementation work ok, but sometime the extroot was failing, while use the router or simply en boot process. in this situation I think this config will not work OK. This was one reason because I never used again.
Respect to the how worked the sqm-scripts I can says It worked worst than if you doesnt use the script xD. The IKS connection was very very more bad, I think extremelly bad respect to the theorical idea to manage better slow connection. My IKS in decoder several simply lost connections. The sqm scripts doesnt have option to add a first priority IP to avoid lost package necessary because They arrived every five seconds and whenuse sqm-script while execute two or more task (surf, phone apps, messages, whatsapp, videos youtube) the IKS accounts simply doesnt works. it need only 80kps to work. For this reason I said the sqm-script had High latency.

        Okay, that sounds quite specific, I am not sure how much time you spend trying to configure sqm to do what you need, but certainly your preferred solution, prioritization by IP is not inside sqm-scripts scope.

jxtrem wrote:

I tested it in my basic router TP-Link TL-MR3220 v2.
Now Fortunately I have a LTE connection of 20Mbps max, so the problem is limited data plan, and using wondershaper I can set a slow speed to avoid HD video in phones/devices in my family big_smile. It is works great more virtual SSID

i would like learn to create a custom image with 4g *ipk and wondershaper *ipk, but I think is complex D:

it was all

Okay, your new problem seems much more relaxed, I would guess sqm-scripts out of the box tp work reasonable well, but can understand that you want to stick to the tried and tested solution.

Best Regards

Hey moeller0
Can I install LEDE in a mr3220 tplink router without use extroot???
I mean if the memory flash is enough to install LEDE and ipks to use LTE modem Hilink more sqm script ????


jxtrem wrote:

Hey moeller0
Can I install LEDE in a mr3220 tplink router without use extroot???
I mean if the memory flash is enough to install LEDE and ipks to use LTE modem Hilink more sqm script ????


Well, I do not know.
As you probably know already there is … -mr3220_v1 with a link to … actory.bin, but whether that includes sqm and/or LTE modem drivers I am at a loss. Maybe the image builder will allow you to build a version just for your device (see

Best Regards

The discussion might have continued from here.