OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: RAVPower RP-WD03

The content of this topic has been archived on 16 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


Just wondering if anyone has flashed OpenWrt onto a FileHub Plus (RP-WD03) before? I noticed someone did it with a RP-WD02, however that looked a bit dodgy. Not to mention it seems to be a little outdated and the RP-WD03 is different (I would assume, looking under the bonnet).

Any ideas would be helpful.


It works, the GL-MT300N and a HooToo Router have the same specs. I used the latest OpenWrt sources (modified a bit to show the correct model number) and edited the config files to have nano (WordStar like editor) as well as sftp and rsync plus usb and sdcard memory support.

After some work, the system shows as:

Hostname                    OpenWrt
Model                            RP-WD03
Firmware Version            OpenWrt Designated Driver 50108 / LuCI Master (git-17.260.43176-678c15c)
Kernel Version                4.4.14

I will try to share the firmware file somewhere it can be found by a google search

the process of getting OpenWrt 15.05 Chaos Charmer(?) (clean firmware, no additions) is described in this forum by member loogatee under pid = 355628 # p355628

(Last edited by cycologist on 23 Sep 2017, 01:41)

cycologist wrote:

It works, the GL-MT300N and a HooToo Router have the same specs. I used the latest OpenWrt sources (modified a bit to show the correct model number) and edited the config files to have nano (WordStar like editor) as well as sftp and rsync plus usb and sdcard memory support.

After some work, the system shows as:

Hostname                    OpenWrt
Model                            RP-WD03
Firmware Version            OpenWrt Designated Driver 50108 / LuCI Master (git-17.260.43176-678c15c)
Kernel Version                4.4.14

I will try to share the firmware file somewhere it can be found by a google search

the process of getting OpenWrt 15.05 Chaos Charmer(?) (clean firmware, no additions) is described in this forum by member loogatee under pid = 355628 # p355628

Did you end up getting the firmware uploaded somewhere? I'm keen to get OpenWRT going!

The discussion might have continued from here.