Thanks for the info. That explains how I ended up with the trunk build as vs the other builds. Iv herd of and ready very little about LEDE. Looks basically like the same thing, maybe a fork of openwrt or something. One article I was reading made it sound like the two may eventually merge or something. Interesting none the less.
Can I just go flash the LEDE firmware ontop of OpenWRT or is there something special I need to do first etc?
Thanks again for the info and help.
Update : I did a quick google search for "flash lede over openwrt" and the first hit was "Standard Flashing Instructions".
If your device is already running LEDE (or OpenWrt)
download the file for a “sysupgrade installation” from Device Page or Device Techdata
check that this file is not corrupted by following the Downloading and verifying LEDE firmware image paragraph
if your device has the LuCI web interface, proceed with the Installing LEDE sysupgrade instructions for installation.
If your device does not have a web interface or you have specific advanced configurations you want to preserve or update after the upgrade, follow the instructions on Installing LEDE from Command Line or ask on the Installing and Using LEDE category of the forum.
(Last edited by SomeoneOnLine on 12 Jul 2017, 02:44)