OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: stable release DD

The content of this topic has been archived on 18 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Tell me please, what are the expected release dates for the new stable version of OpenWRT DD?

S.Gerko wrote:

Tell me please, what are the expected release dates for the new stable version of OpenWRT DD?

None. There will be no DD release. Current Openwrt source code is to be scrapped...

Openwrt and LEDE developers have recently voted to merge again, and to continue work from the base of the current LEDE, so the current "Openwrt" code repo will be practically abandoned and no releases made from it.

For all practical aspects, LEDE 17.01.2 is the current stable release (released last month). It is not named Openwrt, but so what. Next release should then again be "Openwrt".

If you have missed the developments, practically all active Openwrt core developers forked off a year ago, formed LEDE and continued the development there, while the old Openwrt source code has been practically unmaintained. LEDE 17.01.2 is roughly Openwrt DD as of April 2016 plus one year of further development. (and as Openwrt has seen no development since then, you could also say that it is Openwrt DD as of July 2017 plus one year of further development.)

(Last edited by hnyman on 11 Jul 2017, 14:29)

hnyman wrote:

For all practical aspects, LEDE 17.01.2 is the current stable release (released last month). It is not named Openwrt, but so what. Next release should then again be "Openwrt".

I have a WZR-600DHP2, which is partially supported (boot partition is not controllable, wifi performance is poor on 2.4GHz and nonexistant on 5GHz).

Given the above situation, how do I get in touch with developers working on that device (or on its radios) to assist in testing?

aboaboit wrote:
hnyman wrote:

For all practical aspects, LEDE 17.01.2 is the current stable release (released last month). It is not named Openwrt, but so what. Next release should then again be "Openwrt".

I have a WZR-600DHP2, which is partially supported (boot partition is not controllable, wifi performance is poor on 2.4GHz and nonexistant on 5GHz).

Given the above situation, how do I get in touch with developers working on that device (or on its radios) to assist in testing?

Hi try the LEDE IRC or forum.
Btw when you say partially supported, do you meen on CC or DD. Have you tryed LEDE?

The discussion might have continued from here.