OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Does OpenWRT have a Monthly Quota Limiter?

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am planning on getting an OepnWRT router that has a SIM card slot.  The plan is to run a mobile carriar sim car inthis router.  The problem is the SIM card has very limited data per month: 3GB.

So it would be nice if there was a feature to set a down/up quota limit per month and once it reaches then all data (in/out) is blocked.

Does OpenWRT have a GUI-like feature that does this?  I notice Gargoyle. DD-WRT have this but cant find anything for openWRT.

If it does not then, because i lack all Linux level knowledge,  can you walk me through like i am 5 years old on how i can make this possible? Ideally, the solution should have a GUI interface to make modifying and visually current usage possible.

Surely something like this exists since the feature seems obvious to have for a full featured router software, even when not using SIM cards.


Hi what router are you getting and you could just use gargoyle.
Gargoyle works grate for what you want.

Thanks for the reply @tapper.  Sadly from the very small list of supported routers by Gargoyle i don't see the one router i am thinking about getting.  It's called the ZBT-WE826-T.

The router i would want needs to have a SIM slot so i can use a wireless carrier's data plan.  So i am open to more than the ZBT-WE826-T.  All the routers that Gargoyle supports are just routers with no SIM support, unfortunately.

For openwrt Wifi-hotspot devices, I used freeradius in backend to setup what you want.
I also use simple ZBT-WE826 for this purpose.
You might want to dig into setting up local freeradius in your WE-826T.

augustus_meyer wrote:

For openwrt Wifi-hotspot devices, I used freeradius in backend to setup what you want.
I also use simple ZBT-WE826 for this purpose.
You might want to dig into setting up local freeradius in your WE-826T.

Ahh so your saying this server called FreeRadius would be able to solve my monthly quota limiter issue?
I did see a ZBT-WE826 router being sold on Alibaba with the MC7455 module (a module that supports most of the frequency/bands of North America).  So thats interesting.  I will go read more.  thanks

NO, NO. It is _NOT_ a router function. You will need to set it up yourself. This is, what I did on ZBT-826 (plastic case).

augustus_meyer wrote:

NO, NO. It is _NOT_ a router function. You will need to set it up yourself. This is, what I did on ZBT-826 (plastic case).

I think something was lost in translation.  Yes, i fully understand it is not a router function and that i will need to install FreeRadius on the router that i finally settle on to have access to such useful radius modules as: rlm_sqlcounter which seems to be what i need.

As for the ZBT router it just coincidentally matches your since i was looking at it days prior to your post.

Much appreciated.

>such useful radius modules as: rlm_sqlcounter which seems to be what i need.<

The discussion might have continued from here.