OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Set up multiple devices at once

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have researched all over the place and can't find a way.

I have multiple UBNT Picostation2 deployed and I want to put Openwrt on all of them. That part is fine. It all works. But I have set up one of them just the way I want it.

Thought about setting them up with a fixed ip, then download the backup configuration and then upload one by one. All I would need to do then was change the IPs...

But apparently uploading the config doesn't work to different devices.

I read somewhere that I needed to change the MAC address info on the files, but I didn't find it in any file.

I don't want to set up one by one. Any tips?

Hey there.

Over at the LEDE project forum I described a way that can do nearly everything. … =golialive

As you can see, I basically adjust the devices based on host name. But of course you can fetch every hardware attribute you like.
MAC address of eth0 could go like this:

ifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr | awk '{ print $5 }'

I have no clue about your particular device, but you might find some usefull information like CPU ID or serial in

cat /proc/cpuinfo


The configuration backup is only a tar of the config files.  Restoring it to the same router or a different one still does not install or remove any packages.

You can make a binary image of the "firmware" mtd partition and use it to sysupgrade another router of the same model.  This will make the new router run an exact clone of the installation on the original one, including packages and configuration. So you will need to boot it up in an isolated situation and at least change the IP address so you don't put two of the same IP on your network. 

The factory MAC address is stored in a different partition which OpenWrt doesn't change.  If you didn't override it in your configuration, each clone will still run with its unique MAC addresses as shown on the label.

The discussion might have continued from here.