OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: I disabled DHCP on LAN and I can't ping the router anymore

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I disabled the DHCP by mistake and I can't access the router anymore even If I set the IP and the Gateway manually. Ping doesn't respond and I don't know what to do. I tried the failsafe method but it didn't work neither. The router is set as repeater so I'm seeing it connected to the main router but it doesn't help me to access. Could you help me please?

Thank you so much for your time.

Which ip does the router have?

rj-45 wrote:

Which ip does the router have?

It had for LAN and for WAN (the repeater). I switched the DHCP to static by mistake and it's like it hasn't any IP now.

If you turned off DHCP, then more than likely, your PC/Mac/Linux machine will _not_ have an IP address in the subnet. The IP address should still be on the router, but you will need to manually set the IP address on your PC/Mac/Linux machine before you can communicate with the router.

IPv6 Plug: You _could_ connect to the router with IPv6, but you would need to know the IPv6 address of the router or use a discovery tool like v6disc

The discussion might have continued from here.