OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Security alert when trying to access this forum on iOs

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Device: iPad Air
iOs version: 10.3.3
Browser: Safari
Error: Certificate not trusted/Expired
Screenshots (It's an album, click so you can see all three of them):
imgur . com /a/xjKsi

EDIT: Tested again using Brave Browser with HTTPS everywhere enabled:
imgur . com /a/iGM5x

i.imgur . com/zv1EGqpr.png

(Last edited by openwrtuser2 on 26 Jul 2017, 10:52)

Nothing new in that, it is almost an annual event here that admins forget to renew the certificate before expiration.
Last time it happened on last July:

As the forum site also uses HSTS, Chrome and Firefox do not allow creation an exception for the expired certificate.

No more alerts now. thanks

The discussion might have continued from here.