OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Guest Network on AP

The content of this topic has been archived on 11 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Okay, so this is a bit of a mess. This is what my network looks like:

ISP Router ( —> Main Router ( —>  AP ( with [Guest Network (]

So I'm trying to add this AP that has OpenWRT onto a relative's network using the LAN port, I've got the main wifi network with DHCP off and it works fine. On the guest network by following a couple of guides, devices get their own ip address and can see my local network (will change firewall after testing) including my main router but cannot get onto the internet. I guess this is because those devices cannot reach (ISP Router)?

I know I should be using VLANs and such but I cannot get openWRT on my main router at this time and the ISP router doesn't have a modem mode.

Any help?

(Last edited by Adeel567 on 29 Jul 2017, 02:04)

You should start by including your config files.
The above looks like the Guest AP is on your main router, but I think it is really on 

The OpenWrt wiki for Guest AP assumes the AP on the Main router, but there is minimal discussion about using VLAN to move it to an AP as the AP's guest gets it DHCP from the main router.    I am instead using this "recipie" for running the guest AP and DHCP on the guest. … ess-point/

Yes, looks like formatting got messed up when i copy and pasted.

I used that guide but i could not get internet access, if i follow it until the blocking of LAN devices I can successfully see my main router but cannot reach the internet.

I'll figure out how to copy the config files and copy them in tomorrow.

Am I missing something or not following the guide correctly, or is it because I have my ISP router causing trouble?
Because I cannot ping the ISP router on the guest network, I'm guessing that's the main culprit.

(Last edited by Adeel567 on 29 Jul 2017, 02:07)

The discussion might have continued from here.