I just started whit my first OpenWRT on an old Asus Router. This router max runs OpenWRT10 so i installed that. Works fine.
My situation at home is that my internet provider gave me A fritzbox and and i'm bound to it. Could set it to bridge-mode, but i don't have any connection account data (Password and stuff). And i think the OpenWRT defaults runs on NAT, so i would have a Double NAT. 192.168.178.x is the Fritbox network, and 192.168.1.x is the other one.
Now have just have some Machines in the Fritzbox network that i don't trust (Android, and some IoT stuff), on the other Network i Would like to have my Secure stuff (Computers, NAS and so on). Both have a Class C IP, so i simply could only Route the network in stead of NAT. Am i right?
Now i made a Portforwarding to reach the NAS from my Laptop (which is in the Fritzbox network, i don't have AP's in the other one), assuming it is on NAT mode. This works for the Web interface of the NAS running on Port 8080, but not for accessing the share trough AFP.
I was thinking, when I disable the NAT and simply use at Firewall whit some Routing table it should work. Or am i completely wrong? I had this stuff at School, but that's 20 years ago...
And some simple question. When running on NAT, how can I block internet traffic from some device (like the NAS), but not the traffic into the other network?