OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: ex2700

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

i installed the factory firmware of openwrt, now i am trying to install the latest one, but i dont have a luci gui

EX2700 has only 4 MB of flash memory. That is very little for an OpenWRT installation. For this reason, non-essential packages such as LuCI might've been left out.

The Dropbear SSH daemon is part of every OpenWRT installation, so you should still be able to access the SSH prompt, and use SCP or WinSCP to upload the latest firmware image to /tmp folder and then use 'sysupgrade' command to update from there.

See this link for more details on the generic sysupgrade procedure.

ok i tried, ssh, but i get a connection time out error, i need default ip address and the port of the open wrt factory firmware, so where do i connect the ex2700, on the computer or on my R7000 netgear router = ethernet port

The default IP address of an OpenWRT firmware is, but right after flashing, Dropbear doesn't accept connections because the root password is not set. See OpenWRT First Login for details. There's a telnet daemon running that will accept your connection.

Use telnet to set the root password, and reboot. After that you can continue with the SSH prompt.

ok, where do i connect the ex2700, on the R7000 router ethernet port or my computer ethernet port

(Last edited by ren on 4 Aug 2017, 16:53)

When you are setting up the EX2700, you connect it to your computer's Ethernet port.

i set the ex2700 on my R7000 ethernet port

The discussion might have continued from here.