TuxHHGer wrote:Tried that out and updated the photos. On both sides another metal sheet cover it all, it's soldered 360° to the board.
Well, no help from there. It was worth a shot though 
Another thing that catches my eye is that there doesn't seem to be a UART header anywhere on the PCB. This would indicate that it is not possible to get a serial access to the console and do things such as interrupt the bootloader.
I can't find the flash chip from the images either. Is it possible that it, too, is underneath the metal sheet cover? If so, it will rule out the possibility of using a JTAG or SPI interface directly to the flash chip and re-program it from there.
This leads to a situation where it may be impossible to flash OpenWRT onto the router unless you can masquerade the OpenWRT image so it looks like an OEM firmware and passes the necessary legitimacy checks.
TuxHHGer wrote:And something very strange is this:
<minidlna name="config"
Perhaps TP-Link is using OpenWRT as a baseline for building their own firmware? If that is the case, then you could mail their support and ask for a copy of the build environment. It is well within your rights to request it, since Linux kernel is under GPL. See instructions at https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/add.new.platform in order to verify if it is really running Linux, and find a mail template that you can send them.
TP-Link is not required to supply you with any source code for binary-only drivers, if they are used as loadable modules. This is very often the case when Broadcom chips are involved. Broadcom guys are really clandestine about their stuff
This means that while you might get the source code, you might not be able to build an executable firmware from it, at least not easily. But you can analyze the source code and that may help you in determining how an OpenWRT firmware needs to be masked in order to pass the legitimacy check of the OEM firmware. Make no mistake, though, it will be difficult. Very difficult. Even if you managed to mask your firmware and get it flashed, the bootloader on the flash memory might not be able to load it due to various reasons.