@davidc502 Thanks for the great info! Yeah, I tend to get paranoid when entering a new forum in terms of posting threads. Lots of sites are pretty scrutinizing of new threads!
1. I was aware the power max was locked down (which actually makes sense considering it's licensed and tested at a certain power output, despite all the hate for the decision), but I figured you had all the room from 0 to max to play with to reduce it, not that it was fixed at whatever default it was set to. I can see the upper limit being unalterable, but not fixing it permanently AT that limit! I was playing with a Tomato build with an older router and found the power settings still worked, though. On the 3200, Radio0 and Radio1 both are 22mW. Radio2 is apparently capped at 15mW (or that's what it's using...I assume it's capped, but I don't know.)
Range extenders, I was considering using one of these as an extender. I wanted to take advantage of the MU-MIMO functionality that none of the dedicated extenders have. Though I keep an Almond + around since the built in UI makes it easy to shuffle between my router projects 
2. Interesting about DFS. I'll have to do some research on that. I suspect that's not the issue here as it was (A) the default channel set by LEDE, I think 36, and more importantly (B) both radio0 and radio2 were set to the same band and I wasn't seeing the delays on radio 2, just radio 1 (which never became visible) (though radio 2's 15mw signal is so low, it's almost useless....it's clear radio 0 is the 5GHz I SHOULD be having access to at several times the power output. Unless they're supposed to operate in tandem? There's a LEDE thread about the third radio but it's a bit over my head. Something about a radar/bluetooth/nfc radio that's not even used in the official firmware yet. Maybe I should try totally disabling radio2! I hadn't thought of that before. It might be interfering with radio0 somehow. I'll give that a try later on.
I did notice that if I map the 2.4Ghz LED light to radio1 (2.4ghz), which technically seems hardware-mapped already, radio2 goes inactive and unable to start until reboot. So radio2 definitely has something odd going on at a hardware level.
3. I might have to give the trunk a try next on my next unit. I gave stable a spin since it's stable, and since it was my first flash on a WRT3200 so I wanted it to go well. I ordered two units, right from Belkin, and they sent me two units that were WRT3200ACM's on the OUTSIDE.....but one of them is apparently actually a WRT1900AC (not even ACS!) on the inside! Ugh! I might have to rethink buying Linksys again, but I got tired of Asus' physically fragile hardware. Especially the amplifiers.
4. I'm glad to hear the two projects are merging. It's a confusing mess right now. Like Libre Office and OpenOffice, these projects really don't benefit from these political schisms that nobody but the dedicated community actually follows. It makes everything look like a fly-by-night, and right now dd-WRT is the one that looks like a large scale, steady project despite the opposite being true. I've been using OpenWRT for years, went to start on this project and found all the confusing mess of LEDE etc. Though I have to say, I like the cleanup that's happened under LEDE's watch. A little Tomatoification of OpenWRT made it, IMO, jump from being the "bloated confusing Linux hacker distro for routers" i.e. Debian, and turned it into a nice, clean, usable system. DD is looking more like the disorganized one now. (Some incomplete Luci panels notwithstanding