I'm running CC on a WDR3600. Everything's fine but I'm getting poor signal in the kitchen and I'm looking for a solution.
Running a cable to the kitchen is not an option unfortunately so I've considered Wi-Fi extenders and powerline devices.
I've been told powerline is the easiest solution so I bought a cheap powerline+AP kit (TP-Link AV500) but I'm returning it because web config *and* windows tool are not working. Moreover I need an extra switch just for it (no spare eth ports on the router) and I'd rather avoid that.
Now I'm reconsidering the wireless repeater option. In my case the ideal solution seem to be Atheros WDS, as described in the wiki. If I got it right I should buy an atheros device - preferably with two antennas - to be placed somewhere between the router and the kitchen. I've seen there are cheap products made just for that (TP-Link WA-850 and the like). How good are these? I'd like to flash it with openwrt so... should I be better served with a regular router? If so which is a good candidate?