Hello All,
I need some assistance with flashing a few Meraki MR16 devices I have laying around.
I've read my specific Wiki ( wiki.openwrt.org/toh/meraki/mr16 ) of how to flash my MR16 and I appear to be stuck with the general environment build. Either this Wiki is outdated or there is something I don't understand.
I don't seem to have this required initramfs ( openwrt-ar71xx-generic-mr16-initramfs-uImage.bin ) file that I've seen referenced in the Documentation and few forum posts I've seen for the Meraki series access points. No matter how many times I "make" the environment, the initramfs file is never created within my <buildroot>/bin/ar71xx.
I don't know what I could be missing, but I have been trying for a straight week.
Additionally, a lot of the guide was hinting at opening the case of the MR16 and connecting UART pins to the board (Serial connectors)? I did my research but I'm afraid of taking apart my Meraki devices. Is this method required to flash the MR16's? The Wiki hints at doing this through TFTP, but I had difficulty understanding the process.
I have previously flashed some MR16s with Cucumber Tony and all it requires is to set up a TFTP Server. Setting your host with a specified 192.168.1.x address and have a vmlinux.gz.uImage image file in the TFTP root directory. I'm not sure if this is possible to do with OpenWRT either.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
(Last edited by mars543 on 26 Aug 2017, 03:28)