I am a part of a university project that involves openWRT and I need to install Java or OpenJDK on the system, unfortunately with no luck so far. As of today the only successful installation of something java-related was JamVM but it only runs Java 1.5, which is a bit old for the project we are working on. I attempted to install standard java but even though the installation seems successful I still can’t make it running.
When I use whereis command it lists me catalog where java files are stored so I assume it is installed but if I use a simple command such as java –version I get following error:
java: not found
I thought that perhaps the path or java_home is set incorrectly so I decided to run java right from the folder it is installed in. Again, using java –version gives me the exact same error.
It happens regardless the version of installed java (currently it is: server-jre-8u141-linux-x64.tar.gz).
OpenJDK installation was never successful and I always receive error:
pkg_hash_fetch_error_best_installation_candidate: Packages for open jdk-6-common found but incompatible with the architectures configured.
So I guess I have yet to find compatible version.
That being said, I want to ask if anyone happen to know how to install java/openJDK or maybe how to update java in jamvm? I’d be thankful for any kind of help.
I am running OpenWRT Chaos Calmer 15.05.1 from image: chaos_calmer/15.05.1/x86/64. The system is installed and running inside VirtualBox.