So I'm working on "build 2" of a WRT3200ACM. The first time around I went with LEDE stable from June to experiment a bit. This time I'm going to dial it in a bit more. I have a laundry list of questions ranging from ACM specifics that davidc helped with in the earlier thread, to general choice questions, to one specific implementation question that's more of a Linux networking question. Hopefully some people will be able to help with a few pieces.
1) WRT3200: Would you guys recommend stable + the latest mwlwifi driver, or going with the latest snapshot on the 3200? I normally avoid snapshots in distros after spending waaaay too many years on Debian Sid and getting burned over and over. But since this is a work in progress it's a viable question.
2) WRT3200: I know davidc told me the other day that MU-MIMO is unsupported with no map for it....ugg! But I'm curious if band shaping is currently supported? I know LEDE defaults to the same SSID for all radios, but I don't know if that's because it picked up on the band shaping, or if it just defaults for murky "get one of the other randomly" setups. For now I'm separating the frequencies, but that's so messy.
3) OpenWRT: Bandwith/traffic monitoring. vnstats, and collectd/rrd seem to get wiped upon reboot. Yet those are the bandwith (and other stats) logging tools that have a nice Luci snap-in for viewing the stats. Is there any way to configure either or both of these to persistently store the metrics so they don't get wiped on reboot?
4) OpenVPN: Might be a question for the OpenVPN forums, but I figure the routing part is OpenWRT: How would I be able to route specific clients and/or ports direct to the wan, bypassing a VPN? I'd like to get a little more sophisticated in how I route around my VPN, which is one of the big things I wanted to play with OpenWRT more with. I've used OpenWRT for years but only surface level and would like to use it for some heavy lifting with this capable router!
I'm going to post a separate thread for the more general Linux networking questions. I was going to put it here but I fear it would take this off topic.