This is a general Linux networking question (as applied to routing), that dips into more network complexities. It's a project I'd like to use this chance with the WRT3200 to do some heavy lifting in doing a merge of my different network segments that I've been avoiding for YEARS and hopefully eliminate some radios. But I'm not sure if what I want to do can even be done. (I used to do a lot of Linux work but I've atrophied...I've been in an all-Windows shop way to long! ).
What I have is this: Network A contains printers, samba server, etc. Network B has some clients, nothing that needs to be directly accessed, and a load balancing router that splits the outgoing internet traffic between two WANs. I've been trying to migrate network A onto network B for some years and instead i just keep adding routers! What I have for now is network A connected to network b as a wan with a router in between. That router is also the primary DHCP for network A. Network B has the load balancing router as the DHCP.
What I would like to do is this. Take the WRT3200, and insert it as it's own network on the network A side, we'll call it Network C, and bridge it, so that clients can connect into the 3200 and be on its own network, with its own internal DHCP server, but bridge so that clients on network C can get to printers and servers on network A. Network A does not need to see network C (though it doesn't need to be avoided, either.)
The key is, for now, I want any client connecting to a network A AP to work as is with the old dhcp. I want any client connecting to the WRT3200 (the OpenWRT one), to see it's own network with its own DHCP, but be able to access either all of or part of network A. Over time, the network can migrate all to the WRT's network and that will become the new network A. The DHCP management is the trick.
The other trick is how to route internet traffic.
I'm not sure this can even be done (or if it's worth doing it.)
What I'm thinking I'd have to do is establish the wan port and one vlan as a DHCP client, both plugged into network A. The wan port would be used purely as wan, and the single vlan could then be bridged to eth0 (or the existing br-lan). BUT would that not allow the DHCP's to cross between networks? Is there any way to set up the firewall rules to prevent cross contamination of DHCP over the bridge?