I'm looking for advice on buying a good OpenWRT-compatible router. I looked at the Table of Hardware and filtered a little based on what I think I'll want, but I have other more subjective/speculative questions that table can't help me with as much.
I bought my current router before I even knew about OpenWRT, but was happy to find it is supported. However, it doesn't transfer files at full speed to function as a simple NAS (at least not since the last time I tinkered with it) and it's missing modern hardware features. It doesn't have 5Ghz, VLAN, or guest SSID support. I'd like to separate house guests' traffic from my home network with a guest SSID. Possibly run OpenVPN for remote access.
So I'm curious if there are any stand out recommendations for a router that has really solid OpenWRT support for those features on its chipset and it looks like it will be supported for a while by a larger group of OpenWRT users, similar to how flagship Android smartphones receive a little more long-lasting developer support / community attention. I know there are no guarantees, but I thought this was the best place to ask for information that could help me make the best decision.
Thanks for reading
(Last edited by techgique on 29 Aug 2017, 22:05)