I upgrade my System to OpenWRT 15 and get this:
task luci blocked for mor than 120 seconds
not tainted
I get this message if I want to store my settings.
Any Ideas?
The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I upgrade my System to OpenWRT 15 and get this:
task luci blocked for mor than 120 seconds
not tainted
I get this message if I want to store my settings.
Any Ideas?
I've installed todays daily snapshot of openwrt . (4.9.2017)
When I retrieve RPC token, it works, example:
std Class Object
[id] => 1
[jsonrpc] => 2.0
[result] => 70414de0cc279dfa31ec568a2f9e6e83
But RPC with exec is not working:
URL: … 8a2f9e6e83
Posted string: {"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":"exec","params":["<path_to_file_to_execute>"],"id": 1}
And I get blank responce.
<path_to_file_to_execute> -> this files execs just fine and it outputs some text.
The same procedure worked two months ago with june's daily snapshot.
Is there a Luci bug or something changed in recent snapshots?
(Last edited by bojan.pogacar on 4 Sep 2017, 20:53)
The discussion might have continued from here.