I was able to run coovachilli in a GL-AR300M using the example configuration in the wiki (https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/wire … ova-chilli) I've just changed the hotspot system configurations to use an external server for the captive portal.
For the captive portal I've used the example script provided by cloudtrax (https://help.cloudtrax.com/hc/en-us/art … splash.php)
Regarding freeradius, I've just installed it in ubuntu and created a default user and pass using this guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/CoovaChilli)
Now I need to know how I can limit the bandwitdth and connection time of each client, I just need to provide 30min connection at speeds up to 2mbps.
I know this can be done by enabling an accounting module of the freeradius, but how I can do this and also how the configurations of the coovachilli file inside the router would change?
Any guidance is really appreaciated as the documentation of coovachilli is not quite clear and the project seems to be abandoned.