OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Anyone can help a zero experience guy in OpenWrt programming?

The content of this topic has been archived on 8 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everyone,

I have installed the OpenWrt in my Linksys AC1900WRT router with a help from a Youtube video. I would like to add the access control feature described in:, as it seems it would serve my needs in controlling the internet access time of the connected devices.

Unfortunately, the description for downloading and installing .ipk file in the above link was not enough for me, as I have no experience at all in the programming language used to control the router through the OpenWrt. I tried to read the different posts placed in this forum about this topic, but I found myself as if I am reading a subject in nuclear physics :-)!

I hope that someone would be able to take me through a step-by-step procedure on how to download and install this feature and what are the type connections needed with the router to achieve that.

Many thanks.

Thank you eduperez for your prompt reply.
If I assume that the device is my Linksys router, how to download the ".ipk" into it? Do I need to connect it directly to my PC via the ethernet cable?
I appreciate your help.

The following assumes that your router is connected to the Internet, so on the router command line you can do things like ping and it will go through.

First install the full version of wget so you can download directly to the router from secured sites.  The version included by default will not work with https://.

opkg update
opkg install wget ca-certificates

Now you can wget directly from a third-party source.  Get to your /tmp directory, which is in RAM, so you aren't using flash space.

cd /tmp
wget … .1_all.ipk

Then install that file.

opkg install luci-app-access-control_0.4.1_all.ipk

(Last edited by mk24 on 6 Sep 2017, 15:54)

Many thanks mk24 for your detailed response.
I feel I am getting closer to do it right! One thing is not clear from your explanation: how do I get into the router command line? I have googled it and I have found many people use puTTY. So I have used it to get into the router command line, but the connection failed due to a connection error!
However, the rest of your description looks clear to try after resolving the above one.
I really appreciate your time and help.

Yes, putty. E.g. IP of router is You should be able to login in web-interface, typing in address bar. Can you login via web? After that try to login via ssh with the aid of putty, type, leave port 22 - ssh. You should get invitation to type login. If you get error message, write it here.

If I am not mistaken, if OP has never logged into his device or changed the root password, first access has to be done using TELNET, not SSH.

Finally, It worked!
Many thanks ulmwind, eduperez, and mk24 for your advice and help.
I really appreciate sharing your knowledge.

(Last edited by imrin on 8 Sep 2017, 02:45)

The discussion might have continued from here.