Hi everyone,
I have installed the OpenWrt in my Linksys AC1900WRT router with a help from a Youtube video. I would like to add the access control feature described in: github.com/k-szuster/luci-access-control, as it seems it would serve my needs in controlling the internet access time of the connected devices.
Unfortunately, the description for downloading and installing .ipk file in the above link was not enough for me, as I have no experience at all in the programming language used to control the router through the OpenWrt. I tried to read the different posts placed in this forum about this topic, but I found myself as if I am reading a subject in nuclear physics :-)!
I hope that someone would be able to take me through a step-by-step procedure on how to download and install this feature and what are the type connections needed with the router to achieve that.
Many thanks.