OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: create OpenVPN TAP client from USB dongle.

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have purchased a zsun WiFi memory card reader with the sole intentions of creating a OpenWRT dongle that I can use to act as a dedicated OpenVPN client so I can access my local network at home anywhere in the world I have wifi.

Now I have OpenWRT up and running just fine on the device, and its connected to my home wifi just fine, and broadcasting its own wifi network just fine as well. The issue comes when trying to setup the OpenVPN client.

The openVPN server is my Asus RT-AC68R, I have the server up and running, and have the exported config file from it. I can confirm it works because i have connected to it before from other devices. But I havent the faintest idea how to setup OpenWRT to do what I want, and the few posts I have found are way over my head, and most dont talk about TAP, only TUN.

Basically, I want the VPN connection to always be active, the whole idea is to exclusively use this little dongle as a tunnel into my home network. So I want all traffic routed through the VPN, and for the VPN to always be connected.

Start here

There are 2 basic ways to set up openvpn in OpenWrt.
1 Use the etc\config\openvpn file to contain all the openvpn config (default)
2 use the etc\config\openvpn file tp POINT to a config file in the etc\openvpn folder in [name].opvn format (though not sure about the extension)

I did 1, but beginning to think 2 is better in general and for you is probably the direction you want to go as you have a file in the [name].opvn format (I think) from your Asus.

Keys also go in the etc\openvpn folder.  Also be aware that not all directives are supported in OpenWrt, so probaly worth posting your config file (less confidential info)

Most of the wikis do (1) but this TUN one puts the file in the etc\openvpn folder as reference.

Can not really help you more.

Hey thanks for the helpful info, unfortunately Im in FL and were bracing for Irma so I wont be getting to it this weekend. As soon as things return to normal ill checkout what you posted.

The discussion might have continued from here.