OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Compiling OpenWRT for TL-WR 1043ND v4

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all!

Is there any way to port the support for TL-WR 1043ND v4 to Kernel 3.18, please?
I compiled it successfully last night (chaos_calmer branch from GIT) but unfortunately it doesn't output the v4 bin.
Having tried to flash v3 using LUCI on it, no success.

Can anyone help me please???

Thank you!

Kind regards,

I already have LEDE, thank you! But no, 4.4 won't work. I've tried OpenWRT and LEDE.

Just out of curiosity: Why do you need Kernel 3.18?

Regarding image not being built: Most times the reason for this is that you selected too many packages / the image would get too big.

Have you tried to start with a pristine configuration, and only after successfully compiling with this config, add more packages?

tmo26 wrote:

Just out of curiosity: Why do you need Kernel 3.18?

hxxxs:// … penwrtrpi/

Petter, I noticed if you clone the mainline trunk from openwrt, it builds the 4.4 kernel with the latest Bluetooth_6lowpan kernel module which has 6lowpan_enable instead of 6lowpan_psm. I'm not able to establish connection using this version. But if I download the chaos_calmer branch, openwrt is built with 3.18 kernel and older version Bluetooth_6lowpan kernel module and using this version I'm able to establish connection, so ill stick with this for now. Have you guys tried building and test the latest mainline openwrt with 4.4 kernel and the latest Bluetooth_6lowpan kernel module?

Regarding image not being built: Most times the reason for this is that you selected too many packages / the image would get too big.

Have you tried to start with a pristine configuration, and only after successfully compiling with this config, add more packages?

I have compiled the chaos_calmer branch and it only outputs v1,v2,v3, but not v4. Tried flashing v3, but it isn't accepted by LUCI.

Even the OpenWRT wiki says to use 3.18:

I also tried LEDE, which is also 4.4.

I really really really just need 6LoWPAN. Even if it's using Ubuntu or whatever. On Ubuntu I can connect my computer to the BLE devices BUT can't route. That's the problem. I've followed every possible tutorial out there (radvd etc), but no luck.

Or is there a Linux distro as VM that lets me route between bt0 and WLAN?

Kind regards,

(Last edited by lemmer.elassal on 12 Sep 2017, 13:01)

The discussion might have continued from here.